Equipment Testing Certification Tags

Equipment Testing and Inspection Certification Tags are waterproof weatherproof all-weather tags. Waterproof Tags offer several designs to identify equipment and certify appropriate testing. Custom inspection tags offer clear information for safety checks.

On the front we pre-print your business name, address, telephone, and license number, and you fill in the Manufacturer, model and serial # of the tested equipment. EqCert-Front-1 is designed  for punching dates.

Personalize with your business name, address, telephone and License # to be preprinted on one side. Manufacturer, Model and Serial # are recorded here with a permanent marker or a China Marker. Your company graphic can be added for an additional one-time set-up charge.

Back Designs
We offer a choice of different backs for recording testing information. EqCert-Back-1 is the most widely used, but the additional choices allow for variations for your local authority or city or state or provincial regulator.
Please pick a format that will work for you. We can do additional changes and designs as required.

Three Thicknesses
In addition to Regular, we offer two thicker materials where tearing may be an issue, or a thicker tag is wanted to give a better feel than the flexible regular weight.



Black on White Pricing

Ink: Black on White
2 with Hole
Size: 2 ⅝" x 5 ΒΌ"

Colour Background Pricing

Ink: Custom Color
2 with Hole
Size: 2 ⅝" x 5 ΒΌ"


For black ink on a colored background we offer a choice of Yellow, Orange, Green or Red on the medium (12 mil) thickness.

Custom Designed Tags

Waterproof Tags can modify any of these designs to suit your particular needs. We have set up tags for many special tagging needs, and can work from samples of existing tags or from your sketches or artwork. There is no charge for minor changes to existing designs, and we can price a one-time setup charge for you on request.

Tag Back Designs





